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To New Beginnings, Decluttering in the New Year

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

It's been awhile! Trips, family, work, and life made it quite busy on my end. I was in survival mode and I let two things completely fall apart - the blog and my home.

But with the start of a new year inspires renewal and fresh beginnings. After reflecting on how the year ended, I've decided to make both a priority. Especially my home.

Every room just seemed like it was under construction. It was getting harder and harder keep up with the chores, the kids' activities, and self care. One day, after walking by a pile of toys, I had enough. I decided it was time to purge and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

New Year, New Rhythm

Recently, my pastor talked about the start of a new year and said it was time for new rhythms and I thought it perfectly described what I was trying to accomplish at home.

The process of clearing out the unwanted has been so powerful that I feel compelled to spread the message to anyone willing to listen.

When I look back, I can remember the moments we tried to get rid of stuff. In the spring, I cleaned out my closet and in the summer my husband and I tackled the garage.

But for whatever reason, it really didn't hit me until I filled up two contractor trash bags worth of toys. It was time for my family to let go of anything that was no longer serving us, re-establish new routines, and to simplify home.

If you want to make decluttering a new year's resolution here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Reflect on your spaces: Before diving into it, take a moment to reflect on the areas of your home and life that feel chaotic or overwhelming. Identify spaces that could benefit from organization

2. Set Realistic Goals: I tell people this all the time. Decluttering can be very overwhelming so set realistic and achievable goals. You can tackle one room or even one specific category at a time. Break it down into manageable steps. Trust me. You're not going to conquer it all in a day

7. Create Functional Spaces: As you declutter, it will most likely free up space and opportunity to reimagine decor. Keep functionality in mind. Arrange items in a way that promotes efficiency, peace, and a sense of calm. For example, misplacing your keys when you're in a hurry as to be one of the most stressful things. Create a landing station that allows you to put your keys in the same spot every time. For drawers, think of simplele storage solutions that can help you keep things organized. can go a long way in maintaining an organized environment.

8. Be intentional: Decluttering is only half the battle. You have to change your mindset around shopping. Before bringing new items into your home, ask yourself if they genuinely add value to your life. Avoid unnecessary purchases that may contribute to future clutter.

Are you ready for a fresh start? Let's go on this journey of transformation together! I just know it will change your life because it has already changed mine.

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